Living Souls Now Truth

Welcome All Living Souls Now!!
This "Blog Site" serves as a far reaching energetic free flowing platform Community for Lawful living souls to freely gather, freely express and connect/ in Equal exchange with each other to Enlighten, Encourage, and Empower each other to Be ALL that we Are Naturally Truly Gifted/Faithfully Guided, perfectly Created and Intended to Be! All Articles posted on THIS platform are the Living Soul(s) Private Intellectual works Freely expressed as the Gifts/Contributions In Good-Will intentions of the Original Calling(s) Private Author(s)[name(s), and In Wholly Faithful Service to others to Be Inspired, Be Consciously Aware, and transform our Living World from within/without Now! It's Time Now to BE positively, and Absolutely inspired for the Change we wish to Be, and See as the Divine Leader of our own Natural Living Souls, as Intended, in our own Living Lives Now. All Natural-Original-Rights Pre-Served-Reserved: Always

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Dear Mister Trump --- January 11, 2019

By Anna Von Reitz

Dear Mister Trump

I am writing to you today and publishing this letter worldwide in hopes that the scales might finally drop from your eyes and you may realize that--- contrary to what you have been led to believe, neither I nor my husband nor anyone associated with us is "competing" with you for anything. 

Quite the contrary. 
The Landlords have no reason to compete with or harm or do anything to undermine their loyal employees. It's the disloyal employees that have to worry about us. 

The lawless Municipal Government operated by the "US CONGRESS" is temporarily out of action and I am prodding the Roman Curia and the Pope and the nascent leadership of the (cough, cough) "Holy Roman Empire" --- to make sure that those responsible are not allowed to simply set up their tents again under a different name. 
The Demand leveled upon these Principalities requires more than a Revolving Door response. 

Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are simply part of that problem and need to be prevented from concocting a new name for another Municipal corporation and trying to continue Business as Usual.

It does no good to liquidate criminal corporations if you allow the criminals responsible for those corporations to go unpunished and allow them to continue exercising the privilege to incorporate new entities. 
They simply boot up another new corporation under a slightly different name and keep on skating, when what should and must happen -- is that they are prevented from ever creating, operating, share-holding, or benefiting from any corporation ever again. 

Don't even think about signing any agreement with the Chinese. They are simply trying to use you to gain access to our pockets, and will quickly take over the U.S. Military's role as the Bully Boys for the banksters, if you allow this. 

That in turn will subject the whole world to the banksters via the Chinese in the same way that the whole world has been subjected to the banksters via the use and abuse of the "US" Military as cheap mercenaries. Same exact gig, different players.

It must be exposed and ended and those responsible must be considered international criminals of the highest order.

The Perpetrators will take your unprotected signature and use it as a rubber stamp to justify accessing American credit accounts, including those belonging to Territorial Citizens---vastly enriching themselves and increasing their power at the expense of innocent Americans who have been defrauded and misrepresented for generations. 

So, are you sick of this situation? 

Go ahead and declare your Territorial State of Emergency and coordinate with us on it. We have the lawful authority to call the actual State Militias into action --- not the "State of State" Militias. The actual State Militias. 

We will see what 20,000 Mexicans and Hondurans throwing rocks and hurling insults have to say to a million fed up Americans armed with rifles. We can and will assemble at the Border and bring our own armament to bear. 

If the Municipal Government and its adherents have any complaints they know what they can do. We have already exercised our option as their Priority Creditors.

This "manufactured emergency" wasn't manufactured by you and is merely the latest in a long line of such emergencies. 

General Pershing and General Eisenhower both had to take action to remove illegal aliens. They did so without apology and so can we. The lack of funding resulting from the Municipal Government shut down should not discourage you or occasion any delay in Border Enforcement.

We, Americans, are more than competent to back up the Border Patrol. We can swear in any number of Deputies. We can do what has to be done with no thanks and no consideration to the Municipal Government. 

For your information, I own all my names at all times and even own my DNA back to the moment of conception. I run no Territorial franchises and no Municipal franchises, either, and both parent corporations have been duly served and given Notice of these facts since 1998. 

My lawful surname, "Riezinger", has been held as private property and under our trademark since 1855. Nobody has any right, reason, evidence, or authority to assert any ownership interest in me or my assets based upon this name or any combination, style, permutation, or ordering thereof.

My Paramount Claim all the way back to my zygote DNA is also a matter of record published in Illinois and Notice to both the Territorial and Municipal Governments has been posted in the land jurisdiction record of Winnebago County, Illinois. 

The nature and meaning of all these names/Names/NAMES and their exempt and otherwise tax percuse standing has been reviewed and cleared under the Final Orders of the Vatican Chancery Court as of 2010, so there is no conceivable way for anyone in the Municipal or Territorial Government to make any valid claim whatsoever against me or my husband.

Even the Queen has admitted that our Trade Names are to be "disregarded" and that no further claims can be brought. All similarly and deceitfully contrived Foreign Situs Trusts operating under our "presumed" Trade Names were discharged in the bankruptcy settlement of the United States of America, Incorporated, and are no longer even conceivably liable for any debt--- and that has been true since November of 1999. 
All the pillaging and plundering that the members of the Bar Associations in this country have carried on since that date as court actions are void for fraud and most of their actions prior to that date from 1860 onward, were just as fraudulent.

Likewise, all the claims against Municipal franchises dba under our NAMES are void for fraud as a result of the use of Dog Latin to name the ACCOUNTS. 

All of that and more is owed to us by the Queen, Westminster, and the Pope, without excuse, without exception, and without deliberation.

Read that as: your Creditors are our Debtors. 

All the American assets they have seized upon are owed back to us.

We have standing in the matter of our credit and our assets and that has already been fully admitted. We can (and have) sued to receive back control of our assets, which has already been established by Operation of Law. All that remains is negotiating the peace. 

We can fund the functions of the Territorial Government including the American Military without recourse to con games and acts of unconscionable fraud against American babies in their cradles. And all we need from you is your agreement to honor your own Service Contract in accord with the actual Constitution --- which is what you are trying to do anyway. 

It's time that you spoke to your actual Employers. Not the Chinese. 

We notice that you are jetting all over and showing up in unexpected places. Anchorage, Alaska, at this time of year is an unexpected place. Frozen solid and subzero, its a good place to start making America --- and the entire world --- great again. 

By working together we can put an end to the fraud and the stranglehold of the bankers and their proxies in the Municipal Congress. 

At the end of your speech about the Border Wall, I noticed and heard your agonized plea, "So help me, God." 

God has heard you and sent us. We've been standing here for several years, hands outstretched. We have the keys to the ways and the means forward and it doesn't require any permission from the Municipal "US CONGRESS" nor any funding from them, either.

As long as you have been talking to the ilk of Chuck and Nancy, talk instead to us. It will be a relief. And you will learn things
 about the history of this country
 and how it has been abused that will perhaps make your blood boil, but also serve to save everyone on Earth from continued abuse.

Living Souls Now Admin Note: Thank You  All for your continued participation and valuable contributions made to this priceless and vital Cause on Behalf of All Living Souls Now! Your assistance In spreading Awareness through "Sharing" Freely through ALL Social Media Platforms IS how we Will Inspire Truth, Honesty and Integrity moving Forward! Thank You All for your Good-Will & Works Now!

See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's "Hosted Third Party" website here:  and for Legal Notice and Copyright restrictions pertaining to original Author(s) Natural rights and  intellectually protected Property as expressly written and intended as published. 

To support the Honorable Works of Anna And the LLF Team Directly through:
 paypal acct: or via  Snail Mail:

Please make checks payable to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652

Insightful, and Accurate  Response posted By "Joel" for All to deeply Consider, and take the necessary and responsible corrective actions Now:

When Americans finally get it straight that we are victims of a series of long standing frauds brought against us, our family members, and our private property of all kinds, we will most assuredly take the proper actions. We are all being defrauded using falsified records of NAMES, Names, TITLES, and Titles, purposely and criminally created, recorded and relied upon by criminal foreign interests to dupe us all by deceptions promulgated by them and their foreign licensed attorneys, including most of the "courts" operating in the United States. These crimes have been committed systematically by criminal usurpation of our correctly named National Founding a-political unincorporated order, correctly named and spelled "The United States of America".

The criminal syndicates have further employed semantic deceit calling us and our property "legally" defined as ""WITHIN" the United States", (the incorporated legal, artificial, paper entity, NOT the continents geographic states comprising the land) which "United States" is now understood to be a Municipal corporation, and which does not operate as a legitimate body politic representing the sovereign American people.

By falsely intermingling familiarly named people with incorporated PERSONS through falsified NAMES, Names, TITLES and Titles, these criminal foreign interests will become confounded, and their fake ill gotten criminal powers will be cast off from the backs of Americans who make their records corrected. Sovereign American people taking initiative by using their own corrected records of Birth and Nationality, re-assert their sovereign American peoples' capacity.

We sovereign American people will enthusiastically take the available, sensible, reasonable remedial steps as individual men and women to re-take control of our Trade NAMES, Given Names, and TITLES to "Real Estate", by re-conveying all of our lawful estates back to our un-incorporated land jurisdiction States under the American Common Law to which we and our land are entitled by birthright, by conquest, and by God's giving us this land as the "land promised to the Gentiles", protected by Providence forever - if we serve Him.

Correcting our Names and our Titles and by taking the steps to make our public records stand corrected and truthfully within County Records will become a viral movement sweeping the land as Americans realize their political and lawful power exists within easy reach. Correcting the fraudulent premeditated with malice aforethought presumption of "subject" political status "the United States" and their franchised STATES OF STATES, sovereign American people re-assert and re-gain their capacity as sovereigns over government. As sovereigns we will reconstruct our unincorporated States and govern ourselves with local application of Common Law, with jural assemblies and assemblies of kinds required to re-establish our order over our land and estates.

Failure to provide any notices, explanations or means of "waiving" the fraudulent "benefits" forcibly construed over us as "subjects" (as in owned property subject to a foreign master) is failure to disclose the truthful lawful or legal basis of these fraudulent criminal claims against the American people. All this points to the necessity of taking the personal initiatives necessary to reclaim our birthright, our land and our estate as outlined above."

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