Living Souls Now Truth

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This "Blog Site" serves as a far reaching energetic free flowing platform Community for Lawful living souls to freely gather, freely express and connect/ in Equal exchange with each other to Enlighten, Encourage, and Empower each other to Be ALL that we Are Naturally Truly Gifted/Faithfully Guided, perfectly Created and Intended to Be! All Articles posted on THIS platform are the Living Soul(s) Private Intellectual works Freely expressed as the Gifts/Contributions In Good-Will intentions of the Original Calling(s) Private Author(s)[name(s), and In Wholly Faithful Service to others to Be Inspired, Be Consciously Aware, and transform our Living World from within/without Now! It's Time Now to BE positively, and Absolutely inspired for the Change we wish to Be, and See as the Divine Leader of our own Natural Living Souls, as Intended, in our own Living Lives Now. All Natural-Original-Rights Pre-Served-Reserved: Always

Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Last American Judges

By Anna Von Reitz

I and my cohorts operating the actual Public Courts of this country are the last of a breed: American Judges serving the People of this country. 

We occupy the land and soil jurisdiction courts.  

We enforce the Public and Organic Law, including the Constitutions.   

Ironically, we are probably the only actual, factual Judges/Justices that any of you have ever even heard of---- but we are being mis-characterized as "fake judges", instead.  Go figure.  

In a culture built of lies and legal fictions, the truth is bound to come as a shock, isn't it? 

Those others you see posing as "Judges" are operating in a foreign system of governance that has nothing to do with Americans and everything to do with "US Persons"---- Brits and Roman Catholic Church officers, foreign corporations and franchises. 

They aren't functioning as American Judges.  They don't administer or enforce the Public Law or the Constitutions----and they will willingly tell you that themselves, if you bother to ask.  

They are For-Hire Jurists, working on a contractual basis to enforce the Public Policies of the commercial corporations doing business as Territorial "States of States" and as Municipal "District Corporations" that employ them.   

We, the Last American Judges, aren't members of the Bar Associations.  We don't work for foreign-owned corporations. 

We are holding Public Offices in the American Government, and Bar Association Members have been prohibited from holding Public Office in the American Government since 1819.  

Go figure. 

When we go, if we go, all your "Natural and Unalienable Rights" and all your Constitutional guarantees will go with us.    

There will be nothing and nobody left standing between you and the private, for-profit corporate tribunals that you have mistaken for public courts. 

The People of this country will no longer have a Court System.  There will no longer be any Public and Organic Law.  

The only courts in existence will be private corporate tribunals run by For-Hire Jurists addressing "Persons" --- and collecting debts from those "Persons" for the benefit of the Parent Corporations--- the Territorial and Municipal "States of States" and the foreign governments that run them. 

And you?  

You will be subject to 80,000,000 statutory "laws".   

You will be responsible for paying for the enforcement of those 80,000,000 statutory laws.  

You will also be responsible for paying for all the services demanded and entitlements claimed by all the other "Persons" in this System --- which guarantees that you will live as a debt slave and a "Person" owned by corporations, and that all your assets will be claimed as chattel property donated to those corporations, too. 

To all those who have been running around spreading the lie that I am a "fake judge" ---- you had better hope and pray to the Living God that I am precisely what I say I am, because if I am not, your last hope of peacefully reclaiming your country (and your own private property) is already gone.  

You had better get behind me and the others like me who have stepped forward and blazed the way home to the land and soil jurisdiction of this country.  You better wake up and wise up and enter into the actual debate and stop being duped by For-Hire Jurists and "States of States" substituting themselves for the State Governments you are owed. 

When the last of the American Judges go-- if they go and are not replaced by a whole new generation of American Peacekeeping Officials-- there will be nobody left to enforce the Public and Organic Law, no Constitutions, no "rights" at all for anyone. 

You will be given a choice between living as chattel belonging to the British Crown Corporation and as subjects of the British Monarch, or being slaves of the Pope, and chattel belonging to the Holy Roman Empire.  

The last vestiges of the America that our Forefathers fought for and bequeathed to us will be gone.  

And all those who are running their mouths and saying that I am not a "real" Judge?  

Most of them don't know that "real" means "royal" and that indeed, I am not a "royal Judge" and don't work for the Queen.  

I am proud of the fact that I don't work for the Queen, and that I don't work for the Holy Roman Empire, either.  

I work for the States and People of this country.  

All the rest of you had better get off your duffs and do the same, before it is too late to find your way home again.  

Wake up, America!  Stop worrying about who gets to "act" as Governor of the State of State of Virginia.  You have an actual land jurisdiction Office -- Virginia Governor -- to elect. 


Article relevant Comments(2)posted  by Anna on Lincoln County Watch blog and reposted here:

It isn't enough to have your paperwork in order as evidence against them. That paperwork has to pre-date the basis of their claim or they still say that according to commercial law, first in line, first in time takes precedence. So getting your paper work together protects you going forward, it doesn't necessary solve anything from the past or prevent those claims from coming forward, however, the argument of False Patent and Unconscionable Contract being presumed is always potent and if you have recorded your "return" to birthright political status, it is that much more unanswerable for the District Attorneys and Prosecutors.

What we have done successfully with Foreclosure issues requires some chutzpah. Take a copy of the Certified BC and your recorded re-conveyance and other paperwork to the District Attorney's Office. Look them in the eye and say, "I am not presenting this for any purpose of identification. I know you are operating under the 1934 Amendment to the Trading With the Enemy Act and that you can't talk about it thanks to 18 USC 472---but I can talk about it to you. I haven't made a claim against this NAME. I never consciously agreed to receive any such franchise. The Agricultural Task Force Committee has been collecting the ESCROW and claiming - falsely - that I am the Registered Agent for this Municipal franchise corporation being operated in my Given Name. Now, I want this mess cleaned up and cleared out of the court, eliminated with prejudice, and the court bonds credited to me. If you have any valid authority to address me whatsoever, bring it. Otherwise, its time to shove off and do exactly what I tell you to do as a Member of the State Jural Assembly, an American, and a Priority Creditor.

Shove the paperwork over the desk and leave. No matter what they say or what they call after you --- just turn on your heel and leave. This is their mess. Let them do their job and clean it up for you.

Those 27,000 folks in Paradise were all "Persons" in the cross-hairs of corporate greed. Not one of them had asserted that they were one of the People instead, mostly because nobody told them a word about any of these "cozy arrangements" made "for" us by our runaway employees.

"Persons" unlike "people" can be murdered, raped, burned out, removed, evicted, relocated, or any other atrocity these monsters wish to inflict. That is part of the reason that you all need to get it on the Public Record that you aren't participating in their corporation or accepting their enfranchisement.

When enough of us say "Enough!" it will end, but until people wake up and take back what is lawfully theirs, and stop being clueless and helpless victims --- it will just get worse and their predatory acts will become more blatant.

I think also that you mistake the facts --- I am the only one to deliver a Bill of Lading to the Holy See demanding that they turn over Satan's Kingdom to the administration of The Kingdom of Heaven. That should tell the Pope more than what he needs to know about the times we are living in and his responsibilities, but that is a separate issue and a different matter than the issues of American sovereignty. That concerns the mis-administration of the International Jurisdiction of the Sea by the Holy See. Apples and Oranges.

The other issue that is nearer and dearer to all of us, is our control of our own lives and property assets, and the basis for our claims to our land and other assets. All Americans born on the land of the States since the end of the Revolutionary War have been declared sovereigns in their own right. That means that as long as one of us survives anywhere in the world and claims this country back from these foreign commercial interests, they have no standing in the matter. And we did claim back the land of this country and assign the "titles" back to the actual States. This has prevented any claim that our country has been "abandoned" and also shifted the ownership interest officially back to the soil jurisdiction of this country and into the control of the local governments. Now all that has to happen is for more Americans to "return" to the land and soil jurisdiction and take up the responsibility for operating the government we are owed." 

Living Souls Now Admin Note: Thank You  All for your continued participation and valuable contributions made to this priceless and vital Cause on Behalf of All Living Souls Now! Your assistance In spreading Awareness through "Sharing" Freely through ALL Social Media Platforms IS how we Will Inspire Truth, Honesty and Integrity moving Forward! Thank You All for your Good-Will & Works Now!

See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's "Hosted Third Party" website here:  (Disclosure: All donations made there DO NOT support Anna or her work directly, and ONLY supports "SLC DISTRIBUTOR"s, a INTERNET MARKETING COMPANY Directly, for which Anna does not own, or ever has financially  benefited) and for Legal Notice and Copyright restrictions pertaining to original Author(s) Natural rights and  intellectually protected Property as expressly written and intended as published. 

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