Living Souls Now Truth

Welcome All Living Souls Now!!
This "Blog Site" serves as a far reaching energetic free flowing platform Community for Lawful living souls to freely gather, freely express and connect/ in Equal exchange with each other to Enlighten, Encourage, and Empower each other to Be ALL that we Are Naturally Truly Gifted/Faithfully Guided, perfectly Created and Intended to Be! All Articles posted on THIS platform are the Living Soul(s) Private Intellectual works Freely expressed as the Gifts/Contributions In Good-Will intentions of the Original Calling(s) Private Author(s)[name(s), and In Wholly Faithful Service to others to Be Inspired, Be Consciously Aware, and transform our Living World from within/without Now! It's Time Now to BE positively, and Absolutely inspired for the Change we wish to Be, and See as the Divine Leader of our own Natural Living Souls, as Intended, in our own Living Lives Now. All Natural-Original-Rights Pre-Served-Reserved: Always

Monday, November 26, 2018

Original "Order" As Originally Intended By Divine Creator True-Living Authority

                     As Whole-fully intended and  expressed By E.T. Tishbite

The Bible is very detail oriented. So I'm going to give the explanation of Spirit- Soul to all who confuse the two.

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and He breathed into his nostrils the (Ruach) breath of life, and man became a (Nephesh) living soul. Gen 2:7 Two completely different words in the original Hebrew with two completely different meanings and functions. The same differentiation is also in the original Greek of the new testament. Gen.1:26 says And God said Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR LIKENESS. Man like God is a Tripartite being (3 in 1). Each of man's parts likewise has 3 functions. Body; Eat (nourish) Sleep (rest) Work (be fruitful). Spirit; Conscience (innate knowledge of right and wrong), Communion (Communing with Creator) Worship (Loving, Respecting, Thanking Creator). Soul; Mind, Will and Emotion.

Man and Woman, the only beings created in this manner,(Angels and demons are spirits, that's why angels desire to "look into the things of man" and demons always looking for a soul to steal and body to possess). Man was made to Commune with God by Spirit, Soul was to interpret that communion with mind, will, emotion and body followed the will of the soul.
 The fall of man occurred when Adam and Eve reversed that order, "And when the woman SAW that the tree was GOOD for FOOD, and that it was PLEASANT to the EYES, and a tree to BE DESIRED to MAKE ONE WISE, she took of the fruit and did EAT and gave also to her husband with her and HE DID EAT. Gen 3:6. They REVERSED the order and followed the lusts (DESIRES) of the body , and the SOUL followed the body instead of the Spirit, and the relationship was severed. They were subjected to the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and became subjected to all the desires and lusts of the body, and the functions of the Spirit which he enjoyed became difficult (Dead) to him.

 This is what Christ did, he restored the order and made the way for man to once again Live by the Spirit and allow the Soul to once again choose to follow the insights of the spirit and bring the body into subjection to it's will rather than be subject to all the desires of the body.

The problem is exactly this when it comes to knowing the difference. The Soul; mind will and emotion have a much greater power than most ever experience. There is a Rebirth of the Soul which many have. I call it coming out of Plato's cave. The mind awakens to the higher consciousness that exists in all of creation, and can also awaken the will and emotion which are very powerful when it comes to doing things like creating or manifesting one's mind. SOOOOO many people have had this rebirth or awakening of the SOUL and have mistaken it as the rebirth of the Spirit which Jesus explained to Nicodemus in John: 3. The soul has fantastic powers, can "travel" through the universe, have power over the physical realm, can create and manifest, but until it follows the unctions of the Spirit it is still "Lost" in the sense that it is still either serving the desires of the body or it's own path and desires, no matter how many times it may return to this realm. :)  


Soulful Inspiration expressed in Response to E.T. Tishbite's Insights shared for All Living Souls Now, By Kelli;

Power-Full Insights and Awe-Mazing Natural Balanced, Harmonious "Order" IS BeIng Restored In Proper Re-Connections to Principal Creator/Primary Energetic Original Source As Intended Now for All Living Souls "Waking Up" Consciously To See Clearly Now the Mistakes/Errors of the past we've "Passively" made as Dead/Dark w/o Spirit, limited man-mind/body attempting only to Vainly "Mimic" and Reflect the Divine Source Sovereign Author-I-ty, of our unlimited "Main Frames"  of True Power-Pure Source All-Knowing Wisdom, True Balanced Just-I-ce,  and Abundant Will Naturally created  and freely Gifted Within!
Eternally Grateful for this Eloquent writing shared For All to Enlighten, Encourage and Empower All Living Souls Now!!! So Thankful E.T. Tishbite for your balanced contributions and wonder-filled Insights!


  1. Kelli I told you I would start posting some music to inspire and enlighten. Here's the first one. You can put this where you see fit on blog.

    This song and lyrics was written by Frank Marino and performed by Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush. The song and lyrics are the express property of Frank Marino. Frank is a very awesome guy, very smart, very humble, very appreciative of his fans .

    This video was created and put on youtube by another individual, not Frank, but I would think Frank would like it if he were to see it.
    Even if this is not your particular favorite musical style it will get your blood flowing and your foot tapping and you might just stand up and yell HEY !!! I'm breakin away too!!!!
    Here's the link and I will post the words underneath.

    Breakin' away from the regulations
    breakin' away from society
    breakin away from the tribulations
    breakin' away from the garbage that they lay on me

    Hey !!! I'm breakin' away --- I'm makin' a break
    I'm breakin away----get outa the way

    Breakin away from corrupt officials
    breakin' away from the rules they make
    breakin away from the bells and whistles
    breakin away from the crap they try to make me take

    Hey !!! I'm breakin' away------I'm makin a break
    I'm breakin away-------get outa the way

    Breakin' away I'm an angry young man
    breakin away from the puppet rule
    breakin' away from the master game plan
    breakin away from the way they think that I'm their fool.

    Hey!! I'm breakin away-------I'm makin' a break
    I'm breakin away-------get outa the way
    HEY !!!

  2. Nonsensical Biblical stuff by E.T., but God is LOVE life after life ♭♯

  3. Leland, this blog I believe is for those who are seeking to be Sovereign in their own lives. In order for a man or woman to truly be Sovereign, must they not have to THINK for themselves. From our earliest childhood we have all been indoctrinated into something. We ALL ACCEPTED things taught to us by our parents, teachers, T.V.'s, etc. Whatever or whoever we allowed access to our minds, esp. as children when we are trusting and have not the ability to "KNOW or DISCERN " what is true and what has been accepted as truth, often by many generations before us. So we find that in order to be truly SOVEREIGN in our own BEING, we MUST go back and examine where and how did we come to believe the things that we base our lives on. Haven't we all learned from reading Anna's posts that we have all been deceived as to the true status of what we have always considered to be our own GOVT. and those that we have allowed to rule over us. The same principal applies to every area of our lives. I love the Thomas Jefferson quote that we should all be familiar with; "Question with authority EVERYTHING, even the very existance of God, for if God exists he would surely prefer intelligent questioning to blind following" ( from memory, so may not be exact quote, but you all know it). I totally agree with Jefferson. God is not afraid of us asking the hard questions, He much prefers that we would SEEK TRUTH in our own HEARTS and MINDS.
    So my question to you is this, for the sake of intellectual honesty. Have YOU ever READ the Bible for yourself. I know you went to a a christian school. That just means you were taught what others thought about the Bible. But have you personally read, studied, examined what the Bible actually says? Because there has been some serious indoctrination going on in all areas of media in this world to cause people to reject the Bible. This article you keep posting to back your claim proves WHAT? WHAT CHURCH does this article refer to? The Catholic church of the 6th century? Sorry to tell you the original texts of the O.T. are thousands of years older than any changes that Justinian or anyone could have made and those are still used by scholars when they translate, and can still be accessed and studied by anyone with the desire to do so. The discovery of the Dead sea scrolls went a long way in proving that these texts have remained unchanged for thousands of years. The same goes for the original greek writings of the N.T. and any changes made in some "church" doctrine in any century can NOT alter them.
    So when you so glibly can make a statement that says "Nonsensical Biblical stuff" are you not operating from the opposite side of the coin that Abby always operates from. A simple-minded interpretation of the Bible (like Abbys) is really just the opposite side of the coin of
    a simple-minded complete rejection of the Bible ( like Leland) just like Republican/Democrat are opposite sides of same coin. Both pre-empt folks from desiring to make an intellectually honest attempt to understand the Bible. So I would say to anyone who has a desire to be intellectually honest: JUST READ IT FOR YOURSELVES !!! Forget what you have been told ABOUT the Bible by ANYONE, and just SEE for yourself what it says. But you HAVE to read the WHOLE thing. If you have NOT DONE SO, then your only honest response to anything Biblical should be "I'm sorry, I have not read it; therefore I can NOT have an honest opinion about it".

  4. Fortunately u push an ancient disingenuous argument about one CANNOT possibly know what a book of fables is about unless one subjects themselves to reading the ENTIRE book(s), cannons, Pseudepigrapha & so on😂

    To help Christian fanatics think before they decide push their fanatical thought forms about THEIR unbelievable nonsense...I suggest they research the so far 'known' history of "The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors; Or, Christianity Before Christ, Containing New, Startling, and Extraordinary Revelations in Religious History, which Disclose the Oriental Origin of All the Doctrines, Principles, Precepts, and Miracles of the Christian New Testament, and Furnishing a Key for Unlocking Many of Its Sacred Mysteries, Besides Comprising the History of 16 Heathen Crucified Gods is an 1875 book written by American freethinker Kersey Graves" just for starters, of course ~ before deciding their very special ONLYBEGOTTEN is the very best one to convert heathens with😃🎶💥

  5. Thank You Both for your Valuable contributions!

    I am Grateful for All the "Stories" expressed and its always an honor-true humble Gift to recognize the lesson In the true Moral Principal and underlining Core/True Substance Spirit Valued As originally intended on purpose, regardless of individual perceptions/Limited-Physical-beliefs/worldly twisting and turning of words/meaning. Nope, doesn't matter much at all who attempts to "Re-Tell" or mimick the stories told, the Core Essence Always remains to be discovered at its True Nature as Organically expressed and intended. All ARE True Love Stories and I Fully "We" Love a Great Love Story In-Thought-In-Behavior-In-Deed!!

    Much Gratitude, True Awareness, Pure-Love, unconditional-Forgiveness and Eternal-Peace-Joy Be For All Fully Now

    1. Also I hear what your saying Leland as thankfully in this lifetime I never resonated with the "Do As I SAY, Not As I BEHAVE& Do" Worldly crowd OF "MASS" Conditioned "Christian" FALSE "DOUBLE-SPEAKING" teachings and socially trained "parroting" in "Monkey-Beast" minded "POWER/TERITORIAL" Control OVER Others. I always despised it actually and I'm grateful to know "Why" Now....still learning and growing stronger every day In Every way Now!! Harmony and proper balance Is Being Restored In and For All to Clearly See and Choose Now....We Got This!!

  6. Again Leland, I don't belong to any organization, nor am I pushing someone else's beliefs. Never said you can't know what the Bible is about unless you read the whole thing ( but that would probably be true about any such text). I'm just asking a simple question. Before you go and dismiss the Bible based on what others have said, ex. Kersey Graves, have you just tried reading it for yourself. That was, and remains my point. I just get tired of hearing those who slam the Bible and completely dismiss it as a fairy tale without ever having just read it for themselves to see what it actually says. I'm not trying to say you have to see it MY way. If you ask me to comment on something the koran says, I can only say, I simply can NOT make any intelligent comment or criticism about it because I have never read it for myself.
    Once again, as I have told you in the past, I started reading the Bible because in my spiritual journeys I had an encounter with the Living Spirit who told me that He was Jesus, and that He was God, and His very presence was all the proof I needed. Since that time, 42 years ago, I have either met, heard or read testimony from thousands who have had similar experience. I have yet to hear ONE story of anyone whose life was drastically changed from personally meeting any one of those other supposed 16 crucified heathen gods, ( Imitation is the greatest form of flattery).
    I'm just trying to share what I have learned, and that is there is definitely a very good reason why this book has changed the world, and also why it has been so misaligned. There is a spiritual battle taking place after all. But for a book you call a fable, the detail is extraordinary. Names, places, cities, events from antiquity which many an archeologist have set out to disprove, have found to be historically accurate. But it's way beyond that. Here's just an example of what I mean.

  7. The first law of Thermo-dynamics states that all things can be categorized into one of 5 areas: Time , Force, Energy, Space and Matter. The very first verse of the Bible says In the beginning (TIME) God (FORCE) created (ENERGY) the heavens (SPACE) and the earth (MATTER). Do you think Moses understood the principles of thermo-dynamics? Possibly, he was after all educated in all the ways of the Egyptians. IMHO, perhaps the greatest mind that has ever lived, Nicola Tesla said, " If you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of ENERGY, FREQUENCY and VIBRATION. Isn't it interesting that the Bible says, And God SAID "Let there be LIGHT" . Speech we know is VIBRATION. LIGHT we know is ENERGY. So what is FREQUENCY. There are thousands and thousands of radio stations broadcasting at any time in any place. But it's when you turn your knob to a specific spot on the dial in order to pick up just ONE of those stations, that is frequency.
    The 8th chapter of the book of proverbs is called the personification of WISDOM. It is WISDOM speaking from the 1st person. It states. " God possessed me in the beginning. Before His works of old was I brought forth, before He created the heavens and the earth." So the frequency of the the Bible, the spot one tunes into in order to pick up on that vibration that created all things,( which by the way is still vibrating) is WISDOM. IT is the HIDDEN HAND that runs all through from beginning to end. When nuclear biologists peer into the tiniest sub atomic particles, what they see is WISDOM. When astronomers peer into the farthest space they are beholding WISDOM. When physicists grasp the concept of the Aether, but really can't explain it, what they are seeing is WISDOM.
    So my personal testimony is this: I have found this WISDOM that I can see permeates ALL of CREATION, and I found it by tuning into the frequency of the WORDS which most of the authors plainly stated they were given to them from REVELATION, INSPIRATION, or DIRECTLY SPOKEN to them by the ONE WHO CLAIMS TO HAVE CREATED IT ALL. I have found that these words give the best explanation for a reason of all that has, is , and will take place in this world . I'm NOT saying that one cannot find Wisdom in any other place, because I have also found it in many, many other writings, songs, poems or books. I will very plainly tell you what I can see NOW. As the MATRIX begins to be more and more visible to me, I can understand that one of the main reasons it was constructed was precisely to get people to think that the Bible is arcane, a fable, outdated, or whatever other reason to keep people from tuning into that frequency.

    1. Awe-Mazing Wisdom Shared and beautifully expressed E.T. Tishbite, Thank You!!!! So Grateful for this priceless contribution Now!

      Much Gratitude, True Awareness-Wisdom, Unconditional Forgiveness, Pure-Love and Eternal Peace Be For All Now

  8. Sample:

    The Ancient Alien Question: A New Inquiry Into the Existence, Evidence, and Influence of Ancient Visitors

    from ‘The Ancient Alien Question’ by Phillip Coppens

    page 115

    ‘A detailed study into the question of whether vimanas (ancient indian flying craft) and the related passages from the ancient Indian accounts are evidence of crafts with flight (if not spaceflight) capability was done by Richard L. Thompson, a scientist with a PhD in mathematics from Cornell University. He found that the numerous Indian texts gave accurate dimensions for the diameter of the Earth and even the plane of the ecliptic. The Puranas spoke of 400,000 humanlike races living on various planets and of 8 million other life-forms. Many of these races were said to possess siddhi, which humans could master, but were not born with. These siddhi were what in the West are labeled paranormal abilities, such as mental communication, but they also involved a number of techniques, such as changing the size or weight of objects, levitation, or moving objects through the ether without being impeded by physical obstacles, as well as entering another human being’s body and taking control of it.’

  9. (Reprint e of email to et)

    lol "...less I misunderstood your intention for posting this,..." E.T.

    Is that possible E.T. ?

    Given the extreme esoteric nature of St. Paul's shift of consciousness back then (which this article detailed quite well imo) & also the acute realization that the ONLY viable long term successful missionary service to God would be to exceed the original apostles interpretations of what actually is considered to be the spiritual EXPERIENCE☇, but not necessarily the deification of Jesus😂

    [Deification is when a person is treated like a god. If you love your basketball coach so much that you build her an altar and bow whenever she walks by, that's deification. And a little weird. This word is a variation of deify which means to treat someone like a deity (a god).]

    But does THAT ^ amazing esoteric experience PROVE Jesus was the pnly onlybegotten EVER in the herstory of humans?

    I remain "belligerent" to any religious authorities over my interpretations of my own EXTREMELY EXTRAORDINARY experiences perhaps similar to St. Paul's in his day.

    And NO MAN (or woman) is EVER or will be the ONLY begotten SON (or daughter) of God🎵

  10. Samples Part 1:

    "Wah-Z showed me how to meet a forgotten friend and mentor who was a leader of his times during a latter period of Atlantis.

    His name is Sactor Grutt, a space traveller who had both human and alien DNA. He played a role in helping the Living Teacher of those times to help the people of Atlantis.

    His status was 'Sactor' a word which means a teacher who is spiritually gifted. A Sactor was the title given to a soul who had risen above all earthly classifications such as alien or homo sapien and interacts with life at a soul level. Grutt was a high Initiate of his times but not yet working as a Master of the highest level like Wah-Z.

    The culture in Atlantis during this period was open to interplanetary travel and it held firm alliances with alien life forms who were said to be the original descendants of the first men.

    Many of these space beings were much farther advanced spiritually and scientifically than the general Earth population by hundreds of thousands of years.

    Grutt stood out amongst the Atlanteans for many reasons. He was seen as odd or different because he was neither fully an alien or a homo sapien and this made him an outsider from a biological and social point of view.

    If you add this to his deep spiritual consciousness, his courage as a warrior and his conviction to assist Souls listen and connect to the Primordial Sound Current, the Voice of God, for their spiritual sustenance, there you have an exceptional spiritual individual who was both a bridge between cultures and the unknown worlds of God. He was also a valued Coworker with the Living Master of the times.

    Grutt was a being who was as uncomfortable with the social consciousness of his times as he was comfortable with the nature of God. This was his challenge as an aspirant for Mastership. To be detached from the human condition in order to serve Spirit and have empathy toward the foibles of those of us emersed in the human condition.

    His early life was difficult from very the start. He was conceived artificially during a scientific period of genetic engineering arranged by the Government to improve the fabric of the human race.

    In his early life he grew up around scientists, physicians and soldiers. Many were clinical people with little natural warmth or affection.

    Fortunately his early childhood upbringing and his schooling was very advanced for the times. He had all the love and appropriate bonding with other children and his care givers, to ensure he would be raised in the world to make a mark upon the planet.

    His genetic disposition was classed as humanoid. He had an appetite for the mysteries of life. His genetic form was not at all a thing of beauty but his heart was compassionate and he had the Inner Master in his life from an early age to guide him around the prejudice and loneliness he endured.

  11. Part 2:

    "In his early life he grew up around scientists, physicians and soldiers. Many were clinical people with little natural warmth or affection.

    Fortunately his early childhood upbringing and his schooling was very advanced for the times. He had all the love and appropriate bonding with other children and his care givers, to ensure he would be raised in the world to make a mark upon the planet.

    His genetic disposition was classed as humanoid. He had an appetite for the mysteries of life. His genetic form was not at all a thing of beauty but his heart was compassionate and he had the Inner Master in his life from an early age to guide him around the prejudice and loneliness he endured.

    His spiritual Warrior ethos grew with his maturity. It allowed him to boldly shine the golden light of truth upon any subject, including himself, with honesty, ethics, patience and compassion for the lowly, the ignorant and the dishonest.

    I loved him more than family. He was not only a Spiritual teacher to me, he was my leader and protector of Earth and it's solar system. He was also a skilled teacher of men and women destined to explore the universe and fight in wars.

    His over arching mission when I knew him was to give humanity an opportunity to free itself from the social consciousness and strive as individuals to dwell consciously in the divine Presence of God as Coworkers with it.

    He held the rank of sector commander, regularly patrolling the area of the galaxy between the Martian and Venusian sectors. This region was considered the last line of defense of the homeland.

    During times of war, life was intense and stressful. Planets could be and were, obliterated or attacked with weapons very much akin to thermo nuclear warheads.

    A clear mind was necessary as a flight controller or pilot in the air army because the electromagnetic propulsion of the space craft depended on pure thought vibrations for accurate maneuvers. Fear could cause catastrophic accidents.

    Men and women lived and worked in the armies based in the space stations and often manned very small early warning pods to signal breaches in the perimeter and invasions from interstellar alien groups who wanted power and control over life on Earth as we know it.

    As my commander, Sactor Grutt saved my life many times. He taught me how to live and face death with poise, for the good of the Whole.

    His training helped shape my spiritual vision so I could learn to open myself to the greater flow of Light and Sound and one day find my way back home to God.

    During periods of peace, Grutt would spend his time in the great temples of Atlantis teaching people the key principles of the spiritual life. His alien body structure meant his life span stretched across the equivalent of three average human life spans if it died of natural causes."

  12. Part 3:

    "He held the rank of sector commander, regularly patrolling the area of the galaxy between the Martian and Venusian sectors. This region was considered the last line of defense of the homeland.

    During times of war, life was intense and stressful. Planets could be and were, obliterated or attacked with weapons very much akin to thermo nuclear warheads.

    A clear mind was necessary as a flight controller or pilot in the air army because the electromagnetic propulsion of the space craft depended on pure thought vibrations for accurate maneuvers. Fear could cause catastrophic accidents.

    Men and women lived and worked in the armies based in the space stations and often manned very small early warning pods to signal breaches in the perimeter and invasions from interstellar alien groups who wanted power and control over life on Earth as we know it.

    As my commander, Sactor Grutt saved my life many times. He taught me how to live and face death with poise, for the good of the Whole.

    His training helped shape my spiritual vision so I could learn to open myself to the greater flow of Light and Sound and one day find my way back home to God.

    During periods of peace, Grutt would spend his time in the great temples of Atlantis teaching people the key principles of the spiritual life. His alien body structure meant his life span stretched across the equivalent of three average human life spans if it died of natural causes.

    It gave him quite an advantage when working with some of his students. He could assist the same Soul accross two of their lifetimes or more, teaching them the ways of the Sound streams that give life and consciousness to the universe.

    Like the high Buddhist lamas he had the second sight to be able to recognise the newly reincarnated souls who he worked with previously, so he could quickly renew their acquaintance with the Audible Life Stream during early childhood to assist them to take a greater spiritual step.

    He did this only if they chose to apply themselves to the work. He never forced anyone to comply or never used mind control tactics on anyone because he knew the spiritual laws of life and lived in harmony with Spirit.

    Science and quantum physics were practically part of his DNA. It served as a natural foundation for his understanding of the Universe and of God. It served him well when explaining to the masses how to find God. He spoke in the language of the times very well.

    When addressing halls of people, each person believed he was talking only to them. He was a pioneer of what would come to be known as Aryuvedic medicine long before it was known in India by that name."

  13. Part 4:

    "Like the high Buddhist lamas he had the second sight to be able to recognise the newly reincarnated souls who he worked with previously, so he could quickly renew their acquaintance with the Audible Life Stream during early childhood to assist them to take a greater spiritual step.

    He did this only if they chose to apply themselves to the work. He never forced anyone to comply or never used mind control tactics on anyone because he knew the spiritual laws of life and lived in harmony with Spirit.

    Science and quantum physics were practically part of his DNA. It served as a natural foundation for his understanding of the Universe and of God. It served him well when explaining to the masses how to find God. He spoke in the language of the times very well.

    When addressing halls of people, each person believed he was talking only to them. He was a pioneer of what would come to be known as Aryuvedic medicine long before it was known in India by that name.

    He also played a role in laying out the early philosophies and dogma of the Jewish and Christian religions with the help of the spiritual hierarchy. Some of his early teachings had been put into what is known today as the Old Testament.

    After the destruction of Atlantis this message was taken out of context by the survivors from that continent. The tribes of Israel later recast the spiritual truths founded in Atlantis and The ancient continent of MU to suit the understanding of local people.

    Moses and Abraham modified them and added them to their own experiences. The watered down versions served to help the primitive peoples of the Earth live a more civilized existence with the belief in the one God.

    Only the Egyptian and Greek mystery schools preserved a more refined version of the ancient message of the Sound Current or Logos that was aligned to what Sactor Grutt and the Living Masters of the times taught during the period of Atlantis." 
    Path home to God. Exercpt from The Five Daily Accomplishments- copyright 2018 (c) all rights reserved Nigel Bell (an Australian acquaintance of mine)

  14. From Ben Fulford latest report comment section♭♯

    Time to lift spirit!
    The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, Dec. 16, 2018

    “When negative fears and emotions arise, speak to your physical cells telling them that it is a new time in which they no longer need to retain intense and often fear filled energies from the past in order to warn and protect you.”

    “Lovingly inform them that these old energies are no longer necessary and that you want them to be replaced with frequencies of Light that reflect the physical body’s Divine blueprint.”

    “Know that God has never formed ITself as fear, anxiety, hate, disease, or lack and limitation. If God the only substance did not form ITself as these things, then they can not exist as reality. Where then do these things come from?”

    “You who are awakened know the answer, that they are the manifestations of personal and collective states of consciousness imbued with beliefs of duality and separation.”

    “Christmas is not the birth of the one and only son of God, but rather is the birth of Christ consciousness that takes place within each and every soul when they attain conscious Oneness with God/Source.”

    “You have graduated beyond the seeking and searching that was necessary at the beginning of your spiritual awakening. You now understand that everything you sought for over lifetimes was and is already present within you.”

    “Rather than continuing to search and seek, it is time to live the truth you know in every aspect of “ordinary” every day living and ceasing to judge some experiences as good and others as bad.”
    The last section though is still a challange for the most awakened of us…,

  15. Great Story Leland, Thank you!! Yes, I will Always be "viewing" posts first on this Blogsite before they are published, as IT IS MY Full responsibility and complete obligation, liability to do so. I created this blogsite for those that ARE waking up consciously to ALL that We Truly are, and without FEAR of expressing themselves, without "WORLDLY" TRAINED False Judgement or "BIBLE-THUMPER" PARROTING of limited, vain interpretations of "scriptures" AS your favorite term "Onlybegottonism" ALSO implies. No Harm here, just a misunderstanding it seems. However due to posts needing me to actually "Publish" them (My Choice) sometimes I will not always be near my computer or avail 24/7 to "Publish" comments, and it IS, what It Is, unfortunately, but true. Peace

    1. Also know that I Do appreciate reading your contributions and I personally don't take offence to your choice of judging or mis- labeling me. My Purpose and Soul intention for creating this BlogSpot IS for Peaceful, non worldly judgments and broader discussions to take place without all the mind games and manipulations causing unnecessary burdens on those just opening their eyes to the darkness in this world, and also in themselves. The Truth Is Brutal enough! It's a rough road already, for so many, and there is no need to add to peoples personal misery or biased beliefs. Accept or Simply keep our Private Bias Private to keep the Peace. Thank You

  16. Thank u for finally choosing to publish EVERYTHING Kelli...warts & so forth. Ps I 'knew' u would like my Australian acquaintance of mine's story☄

  17. This Is a great expression shared as well! InJoy!!

  18. Nice update on arcane twin flame motif Kelli🎶💥


Welcome and Thank You for sharing/expressing your Gifts In Enlightened knowledge, Encouraging and Empowering In Loving Spirit Contribution for All Now!!