Living Souls Now Truth

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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Chicken or Egg? Attaching Value to Things--- and People

By Anna Von Reitz

I am catching flak from people who read my articles for practical help dealing with the gubmint and courts. While that is useful and necessary, it also presents a "Which came first? The chicken or the egg?" dilemma.

Did the corrupt courts come first, or the corruption of the men who run the courts? It's a cyclic phenomenon. Depending on where you stand in the cycle, that determines what appears to be true about the order of things.

But from a slightly larger perspective we know that you have to have chickens to have eggs and eggs to have chickens.

If you want justice from the courts, you have to have men who value justice running them. And you have to have a sane, simple system of law for them to apply. Chickens and eggs.

The fact is that except for our own mental, spiritual, energetic and emotional illnesses all the other physical wrongs and maladies and evils aren't even possible.

Without blockages in the Earth's energy system, bad weather, drought, lack of food, insect infestations, and many other ills aren't possible. Without greed, ego, anger, fear, and selfishness, the corruption of our institutions -- our courts and governments, isn't possible either.

So where do we begin? With the chicken or the egg?

I say both have to be addressed to bring about the needed change, for if you correct one part of the court system run amok or get one part of the government gone astray back to working as it should, you have just another such correction to make the next day.

Why? Because the underlying seedbed of corruption is still intact and spawning evils as fast as we can quash them.

You aren't little children any more. You don't have to be taught with parables and can ingest whole facts instead, and yes, you are competent to at least begin taking part in the intellectual and spiritual life of the cosmos.

So I draw your attention to the fact that you are part of a Cycle of Creation that moves from the unseen realm of energy and thought and feeling to a realm of symbols, and through the realm of symbols into the realm of objects -- three dimensional matter.

And then, the same cycle moves one from the object back to the symbol and finally, to the realm of energy, thought, and feeling again.

Thus, all creation moves from the unseen to the seen and back again. It's predictable. It's observable. It's not a mystery. It's right in front of your faces from the moment you open your eyes.

Creation begins with a thought, feeling, or instinctive urge---an impulse. It passes into the realm of projection as symbols -- words, gestures, numbers, diagrams. And then it solidifies and becomes an object, a living man, a machine, a road, a birdhouse, a piece of trash, a summer cloud.

You know this, so why don't you think about it? Consciously? What does it imply about physical reality? Where are you in the cycle? What part do you play? What affect can you have on it?

At each step of the "chicken or egg" process you are attaching "value" to things and to people, and perhaps you are doing this just as unconsciously as most of the people who are participating in the Cycle of Creation. So I bring it to everyone's attention.

Remember "one if by land, two if by sea"? The lantern signaling the movement of British troops that tipped off Paul Revere?

A specific meaning was attached to something that otherwise had no particular meaning. One lantern meant the troops were moving by land and two lanterns meant they were moving by sea. Otherwise, they were just a couple lanterns.

The same thing happens with flags and banners. These colorful scraps of cloth or brightly printed fabrics have no meaning in-and-of themselves. We give them meaning by arbitrarily saying, "This is the American flag." and "This one over here is the Japanese flag." and so on.

Before we meet our True Love, he or she is just one among billions of people, not different or special in any particular way. Then, in the process of falling in love, they become the most important, most precious one in the world. Why? Because we attach the value of our love and approval to them.

We do the same thing with money -- we attach value and meaning to it.

Adolph Hitler got up one morning and declared that the Deutsche Mark would henceforth be equal in value to an hour of labor or a loaf of good bread.

And so it was.

He built an entire successful economic system on something as arbitrary as that. We could learn a lot from Adolph Hitler -- both what to do and what not to do, which are equally instructive.

According to our own equally arbitrary but far more variable system, a "US Dollar" is right now equivalent to a third of a gallon of gasoline. Depending on the value we attach to a gallon of gasoline, it may go up or down tomorrow.

This variability or as I call it, instability, gives a ping-pong effect to everything, including the stock market.
Does it really matter how we attach value to things? And what value we give them? What standards of value we apply?

It's only the difference between happiness and despair, life and death, moral integrity or depravity.

In terms of our practical life on Earth, attaching value to things is the single most important thing we do and it has the single greatest affect on what we experience --- so isn't it time that we thought about what we are doing? Consciously?

This doesn't help you deal with "a" court case, but it does help you deal with the courts---and everything else--- on a larger scale.

When you start valuing justice more and "social welfare benefits" less, the courts will change to reflect that choice and cease functioning as poorly-disguised bill collection agencies.

The two things, "justice" and "social welfare" may even be connected to each other, but if so, it's up to us to discern that and make better provision for both, because what we've got is a system that produces neither justice nor social welfare.

When you start valuing a government that does its assigned jobs and otherwise leaves you alone, instead of looking to the government to solve all your problems for you---guess what?

This world is literally set up to give us whatever we want.

Knowing that, you have to take a look around and ask--- is THIS what we collectively desire? Really?
The problem is that yes, we have had some outside interference, and yes, we haven't been sharp enough to clearly define and communicate what we want.

Our attention has been distracted by all the results of prior generations run amok and we haven't thought very well, very long, or very consciously about what we value or why we value it. We haven't given the Universe a clear answer about what we want and what we stand for and what we value.

It's time we did.

Thought Provoking Insights Shared In Response to Above writing "Chicken Or Egg?....":

"Dan CarpenterNovember 27, 2018 at 8:40 AM     (comment Re- posted  from Lincoln County Watch- Blog)
Stephen Covey suggested that recognizing a problem to the degree of defining it is necessary in creating a solution. But if we spend all our time on the problem, no solution will ever be discovered. We as a people in this 21st century did not create this problem. We may be responsible for its continuance but we have also been given the opportunity to resolve it.

This isn't a new discovery that courts and government is running amok. For years individuals have pointed this out. They have been either ignored or silenced. Some listened though and that some has grown into a much larger mass to the degree that "we are the ones we have been looking for".

We can take a valuable lesson from this criminal crowd. Education is the fastest way forward. Just look at how they have moulded the masses. This very essence Anna speaks about is the solution forward. Thought are things. As awakened, it is necessary to continually remind those unawake that the foundation of life begins with integrity of self and self love. Do no harm or the non-aggression principle does not mean allowing others to walk all over you and in that sense, freedom must be guarded.

We are complicated beings and our potential is profound. There are many "New Age" channels some not so great and yet some are fantastic. One's perspective determines the outcome or discovery. However, we can learn as we work toward solutions in helping our neighbours.

There are those who will refute this consciousness of our universe without realizing that every day we live in a soup of wi-fi. All those cell signals for phones, tv and internet are frequencies.

So if man can create entertainment and educational signals it is merely an adaptation of what the universe has been providing all along. There is good and bad in the mix. We get to choose daily what we listen to and with whom we associate. Don't like the music? Change the channel."


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