Living Souls Now Truth

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This "Blog Site" serves as a far reaching energetic free flowing platform Community for Lawful living souls to freely gather, freely express and connect/ in Equal exchange with each other to Enlighten, Encourage, and Empower each other to Be ALL that we Are Naturally Truly Gifted/Faithfully Guided, perfectly Created and Intended to Be! All Articles posted on THIS platform are the Living Soul(s) Private Intellectual works Freely expressed as the Gifts/Contributions In Good-Will intentions of the Original Calling(s) Private Author(s)[name(s), and In Wholly Faithful Service to others to Be Inspired, Be Consciously Aware, and transform our Living World from within/without Now! It's Time Now to BE positively, and Absolutely inspired for the Change we wish to Be, and See as the Divine Leader of our own Natural Living Souls, as Intended, in our own Living Lives Now. All Natural-Original-Rights Pre-Served-Reserved: Always

Friday, February 1, 2019

To Democrat True Believers

By Anna Von Reitz
Why do you continue to believe the tripe your Party is feeding you?

After decades of mostly Democrat controlled Congresses, how can you even imagine that these bare-faced liars are your champions?

If they ever were, don't you think you'd have jobs?  A future?  Decent wages?

Would they be creeping around stealing your DNA and claiming to own you?

They have made your lives so miserable that you are murdering your own babies by the busloads, and still, you vote for them.

Most of you can't imagine having a real home and a family and yard to call your own.

For the sake of the Living God, wake up.
These people aren't your friends any more than the British Government and the Popes have been friends of our country. 

They are Liars. Satanists. They pretend one thing and do another.

It was the Southern Democrats that brought in this whole system of enslavement from Europe.

If you have a brain in your head, you should be asking yourselves -- if these politicians were ever sincere, why are we still standing here after decades of Democrat-controlled Congresses? 

They've spent trillions of dollars on wars and buying baubles oversees while you have struggled to buy coffee and beans.  Why not give you some of that largess, if they are so committed to you, their loyal voting block?  

Think, people. 

Obama gave $150 billion in small bills, just to Iran. Oh, happy birthday.

Do the math. Look at what they are giving away to other countries, while starving us and ours?  7 million children go to sleep hungry in America every night of the year.  Only God knows how many old people needlessly suffer.

I've told you why.  These cretins aren't even taking seats in our actual Congress.  They are usurping against the actual government we are owed to benefit foreign powers -- the British Monarchy and the Popes. 

They are stealing us all blind, and still, there you are, loyally voting for your own destruction because you are looking at their words and not their deeds, at their rhetoric and not their fruits.

And it is not a matter of "Democrat" or "Republican" --- there is a Third Option.

You can leave them all sitting in the dust twiddling their thumbs, and come home like Prodigal Sons. You can be an American again. You can be free again. You can spend your own money. You don't need them to do it "for" you.

Record your actual political status and reclaim your Name and Estate and join your State Jural Assembly.  

It's like Lily Tomlin said -- "The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat."  The problem with the Democratic Party is that even if it wins, it doesn't deliver.


Living Souls Now Admin Note: Thank You  All for your continued participation and valuable contributions made to this priceless and vital Cause on Behalf of All Living Souls Now! Your assistance In spreading Awareness through "Sharing" Freely through ALL Social Media Platforms IS how we Will Inspire Truth, Honesty and Integrity moving Forward! Thank You All for your Good-Will & Works Now!

See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's "Hosted Third Party" website here:  (Disclosure: All donations made there DO NOT support Anna or her work directly, and ONLY supports "SLC DISTRIBUTOR"s, a INTERNET MARKETING COMPANY Directly, for which Anna does not own, or ever has financially  benefited) and for Legal Notice and Copyright restrictions pertaining to original Author(s) Natural rights and  intellectually protected Property as expressly written and intended as published. 

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Please make checks payable to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652

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