Living Souls Now Truth

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Monday, February 11, 2019

Comment On Pope's Agreement With Imam

By Anna Von Reitz

The Pope isn't polluting Christianity with Islam, he is polluting Islam with Christianity, which is what the Popes have traditionally done since 325 A.D.

The Church Leaders colluding with Constantine just balled up every nasty pagan religion in Rome at the time and guaranteed it amnesty as long as the adherents claimed to be "Christian".  That's still the quid pro quo.

Just look at Nancy Pelosi, star "Christian" and "Catholic" adamantly in favor of murdering babies both before and after they are born. 

The same Church Elders adopted pagan customs and beliefs by the wagonload and just dubbed those "Christian" as well.  

Christmas is pagan in origin. Easter is pagan in origin. Most of the mythos of "Christianity" is borrowed from the religion of Ancient Egypt.  It's all cobbled together and polluted from one end to the other, and whatever it is that is politically expedient, the Church Leaders continue to call it "Christian". 

They've even made pedophilia into a "Man-Boy Sacrament". 

They might as well call it what it has become --- "Garbage du Jour Religion".

It has little or nothing to do with the teachings of a certain Jewish rabbi, who they secretly despise and use as window dressing.  It has even less to do with Islam.

So now, they are moving on to capture and ingest Islam as well.  Just imagine a giant amoeba closing in on a morsel of food.

Soon, they will have renamed the Fast of Ramadan and will claim that it honors something or someone else.  Oh, the Season of Lent.... I forgot for a moment.  We already have our Fast of Ramadan, don't we? 

We'll just call it something else, hang a new label on it, the sheep will continue to do what we tell them to do.

If I were a Muslim, I'd denounce the Imam for this and go on about my business.  At the end of the day, I might be wrong, but at least I'd be honest about my beliefs and they would remain unpolluted by the con artists wearing funny clothes.   

As a Follower of Yeshuah and someone who has Faith in Divine Grace, I think I shall no longer call myself a "Christian";  the Popes have seen fit to disgrace that name and redefine it into something unrecognizable and unworthy of my support.


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