Living Souls Now Truth

Welcome All Living Souls Now!!
This "Blog Site" serves as a far reaching energetic free flowing platform Community for Lawful living souls to freely gather, freely express and connect/ in Equal exchange with each other to Enlighten, Encourage, and Empower each other to Be ALL that we Are Naturally Truly Gifted/Faithfully Guided, perfectly Created and Intended to Be! All Articles posted on THIS platform are the Living Soul(s) Private Intellectual works Freely expressed as the Gifts/Contributions In Good-Will intentions of the Original Calling(s) Private Author(s)[name(s), and In Wholly Faithful Service to others to Be Inspired, Be Consciously Aware, and transform our Living World from within/without Now! It's Time Now to BE positively, and Absolutely inspired for the Change we wish to Be, and See as the Divine Leader of our own Natural Living Souls, as Intended, in our own Living Lives Now. All Natural-Original-Rights Pre-Served-Reserved: Always

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A Question For You

By Anna Von Reitz

I get asked questions about all sorts of things all year long, everything from, "Where's the ketchup?" to "Why is soap slippery?" and "What can women do about leaky bladder syndrome?"  and "Why is the US Navy always in a bind?"

Okay, well, fair is fair.  I do my best to answer all your questions all year long.

Here is my question to all of you ---- would you trust an unknown foreign lobbyist to house sit for you? 

No?  Am I crazy? 

Then why are we letting 515 foreign political lobbyists "house sit" our entire country? 

Hmm?  It's a fair question. It is nothing personal.  It certainly isn't anything against Donald Trump, nor, for that matter, is this question "aimed" at anyone. It's just the pure fact that for a century and a half we've been doing something that amounts to lunacy.

We've been letting paid political lobbyists run our government, instead of running it ourselves according to the blueprint our Forefathers established and gave to us.  And most of us have been so clueless that we haven't even realized who those people in Washington are----and in what capacity they are acting.

They aren't acting as our agents and representatives at all.  That's why they are so arrogant and non-responsive when we bring forward our questions and concerns.  That's why they spend our money like drunken sailors.

We've got foreign lobbyists house-sitting for us, and they are throwing drunk-drug-sodomy-pedophile-you-name-it parties on our expense accounts every night of the week ---- and when the neighbors (other countries) complain, the Pretenders throw the blame for this situation on us: "the Americans".

Well, it's not the "Americans".  It's the "US Citizens" guilty of this, and of war-mongering, theft, and a great many other crimes, too. 

But at the end of the day ---- it's our house. 

Now you've got the Municipal United States Government promoted by the "US CONGRESS" duking it out with the Territorial British and French Corporations.  For us, it's all the same proposition --- merely which unknown foreign political lobbyist is going to "represent" us and live in our house while we clean the pig sty. 

Me?  I choose to live in my own house without giving free rent to any foreign political lobbyists.  I choose to operate my own government, thank you, very much.  And I invite you to keep that thought in mind.

In the days leading up to this January First, as we wave good-bye to the old Municipal Government and it's agencies, there is a blessed sense of relief --- but in order to make that relief count for something and ensure that we are not simply bamboozled once again ---- we have to keep awake and on our toes.

Otherwise, they will just pass off "two of anything else" to keep the same old "pillar to post" scheme operating.  There's a danger that they will just say, "Oh, don't like a choice between Municipal and Territorial Government?  Okay, well, then, you can have a choice between two Territorial Governments, one run by a British Corporation and one run by a French Corporation....."

And set up the same old game again. 

Yes, we do have to finish the so-called "reconstruction" and put all the federal corporations and lobbies back in their boxes. 

And there is nobody here to do it, but us.  Think about that as you toast in the New Year, and join me in devoting yourself to literally finish the job we've started. 

Living Souls Now Admin Note: Thank You  All for your continued participation and valuable contributions made to this priceless and vital Cause on Behalf of All Living Souls Now! Your assistance In spreading Awareness through "Sharing" Freely through ALL Social Media Platforms IS how we Will Inspire Truth, Honesty and Integrity moving Forward! Thank You All for your Good-Will & Works Now!

See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's "Hosted Third Party" website here:  and for Legal Notice and Copyright restrictions pertaining to original Author(s) Natural rights and  intellectually protected Property as expressly written and intended as published. 

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Please make checks payable to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652

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