Living Souls Now Truth

Welcome All Living Souls Now!!
This "Blog Site" serves as a far reaching energetic free flowing platform Community for Lawful living souls to freely gather, freely express and connect/ in Equal exchange with each other to Enlighten, Encourage, and Empower each other to Be ALL that we Are Naturally Truly Gifted/Faithfully Guided, perfectly Created and Intended to Be! All Articles posted on THIS platform are the Living Soul(s) Private Intellectual works Freely expressed as the Gifts/Contributions In Good-Will intentions of the Original Calling(s) Private Author(s)[name(s), and In Wholly Faithful Service to others to Be Inspired, Be Consciously Aware, and transform our Living World from within/without Now! It's Time Now to BE positively, and Absolutely inspired for the Change we wish to Be, and See as the Divine Leader of our own Natural Living Souls, as Intended, in our own Living Lives Now. All Natural-Original-Rights Pre-Served-Reserved: Always

Monday, December 17, 2018

ET Propaganda and the Seventh Seal

By Anna Von Reitz
I've been seeing a lot of ET Propaganda.  It's usually nothing but fear-mongering combined with flim-flam science and testimony by experts, most of whom don't recognize the aliens they see every day. 

People often ask me --- do you believe in ETs?  This is usually accompanied by a wide-eyed stare.

Excuse me, but I grew up in a Christian community where almost everyone believes in ET's by definition.

Ever heard of "angels" both good and bad?  Ever considered the nature of "God"? --- He just showed up out of nowhere in Genesis, took a stroll on the dark waters, and.... 

Well, you know the rest of the story, don't you? 

Please note that His Will was exercised by His Voice -- by sound.  Also note that He said, "Let there be light!" --- not "Let there be darkness!" ---- so, light created and defined the darkness, not the other way around. 

Things are seldom what they appear to be, and yet the Truth is not hidden from anyone.

The "fallen from the sky" angels are ET's who are pirates and outlaws on their home planets.  Earth is being used as a pirate base.

What's hard to understand about this?

ETs are really no different than anyone else you encounter.  There are the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly.  Each individual has to be evaluated, one at a time, to arrive at the truth.

Satan is a seraph, but, so then is Michael. 

So when you hear these broadcasts trying to whip up anti-ET fears and making all sorts of assumptions and accusations, turn a deaf ear. 

Keep working to shake loose and dissolve the Seventh Seal on Bardsey Island.  Keep sending the energy of your compassion like a wave breaking over it, like a force field moving through it, until the last of the blockage is gone. 

Yesterday, December 15th, at about 4:15 Alaska Standard Time, I felt the first release, the sudden shift and correction of the energy flow of the Earth. 

It was like sudden sun through dark clouds, combined with that moment when a puzzle piece falls into place.  And I knew instantly what it was.  

The Seventh Seal is failing.

That adjustment yesterday was just a small breakthrough, a leak in the dam, but it gave me a delicious taste of what the change will be. 

Everyone in Africa, Australia, and South America join in with the rest of us and make it happen.

Imagine your compassion and healing power as a wave breaking over Bardsey Island and soaking through every square centimeter of its haunted ground, bidding the sacrificial victims peace. 

Imagine the wave of your compassion regaining momentum and passing on and washing over the rest of Britain and the European Continent, over Asia, over the Pacific, over America, and finally back to Bardsey Island on the West Coast of Britain.

Sink the wave of healing deep into the land soaked with the blood of 20,000 martyrs and tell them its okay now.  They can go home at last. 

Or, imagine your force field as a transparent shimmering wall of energy moving deep through the ocean bottom and high into the sky,  or like a curtain sweeping through and over the depths of the ocean, and passing through Bardsey Island from the roots of the rock buried in the sea floor to the crest of its highest hills, and sweeping through, clearing the air above it. Feel how the ocean purifies itself and how the air, also, responds. 

Feel the balance returning to everything.  Breathe deep.  Feel the natural flow of energy moving outward and onward, no longer held back by anything. This is your true power, the reality of your imagining, the power of your will.  

Let it be like a prayer without words, a firm envisioning of cleansing, clarity, release, and peace. 

When the Seventh Seal goes, you will all know it.  Every creature on Earth will know it and feel relieved.  I have no doubt that I shall live to see this happen and I am storing up my tears of gratitude for when it does. 

Living Souls Now Admin Note: Thank You  All for your continued participation and valuable contributions made to this priceless and vital Cause on Behalf of All Living Souls Now! Your assistance In spreading Awareness through "Sharing" Freely through ALL Social Media Platforms IS how we Will Inspire Truth, Honesty and Integrity moving Forward! Thank You All for your Good-Will & Works Now!

See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's "Hosted Third Party" website here:  and for Legal Notice and Copyright restrictions pertaining to original Author(s) Natural rights and  intellectually protected Property as expressly written and intended as published. 

To support the Honorable Works of Anna And the LLF Team Directly through:
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Please make checks payable to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652


Valuable Insights shared and Reposted As Originally Authored and Posted on "Lincoln County Watch Blog" for deeper consideration on this topic:;

"Hi folks... I'm a little late to the table on this one since we just went through a wind storm that took our power and cell phones out for four days. Now I look forward to getting a transistor radio, a coleman lantern, and a separate power storage unit for our cell phones, as well as some more kerosene!

As to Anna's post.. when you get beyond the city lights and look up, it's BIG out there. It seems arrogant to think that Life here is an exception, although I've never met anyone that I could accurately identify as ET. I have seen some lights that move in ways that appear to defy 'known' technology... 'known' being the pivotal word here. So I 'file' the info and wait for validation one way or the other.

The multiple denominations of Christianity say to me that Biblical scripture has and still is subject to differences in interpretation, although what is written as the teachings of Jesus seems pretty straightforward. The practicality of Love as a Force that encourages kindness, cooperation, self and mutual respect, and thoughtfulness in word and deed has been a Work in my own life. I've also seen the evidence of the power of prayer. The work of Masaru Emoto with the ice crystals could be an example, although this is not in a Christian context, and consequently has the potential of being easily dismissed as another of Satan's illusions. The healing of my granddaughter's scoliosis when she was 7, was in a Christian context but I have only the evidence of witnesses and the results, for which I'm grateful. I did look up Bardsey Island and it is reputed to be the burial ground for 20,000 'Saints'. If this happened all at once it would have taken considerable toll on the 'holy people' of the Isles, whos absence would have been sorely missed. If they were Druids, I can understand this because some branches of Christianity had a history of conveniently removing those who were not easily converted. The re-translation into saints or martyrs as history was written also seem plausible. If they were Christian saints, this was probably a work in progress over some extended period of time. The 'prayers' to establish the binding would have been specific and passed down through the church 'keepers' in that location. To call this Sorcery might be an understatement. If our collective prayers, supported by our clear vision and imbued with all the Love and Forgiveness we can access can diffuse and dissipate some of the 'stuck' energy in the British Isles, where's the harm in it? what will it cost us? Ten minutes a day? There's certainly been enough BS pitched our way from that location and if some of the protection and concealment 'they' have been afforded has been from the abuse of the sacrifice at Bardsey Island, it needs to go."

"From scriptural sources it has been revealed to the seeker to understand that Earth is a living creation. Many spirit beings assisted in its "creation" (better understood as its organization of matter from unorganized matter). The earth has come to its being to serve as a sanctified habitation created for God's Holy purposes one being for His spirit children to experience mortality, our second estate wherein we are clothed with natural bodies of flesh and blood, a "temple" for our spirit. (Speaking in spiritual terms, not natural.) This mortal second estate follows our first one and will be followed by our eventual third estate. When one is naturally born or sometime prior to that the spirit and body unite for the experience of mortality when the previous spirit experience is soon forgotten. This allows us as we come to an accountable age to be "tried by trials of faith", not recalling what came before, and we are then subject to the temptations and challenges of being separated from God and His spirit, and life's experiences are poured out upon us so to speak. By this we are being prepared to either dull our hearing toward God's word by distractions, pride, ignorance, peer pressure and cultural traditions, self centered-ness (ego, pride, vanity...) etc., etc., or to somehow recognize through humility (often through events where we "hit a wall"), making us aware of our frailties and imperfections coming to realize we are not the center of all things, contrary to popular notions and traditions like humanism. Now we are open to new possibilities, new perspectives. Earthly perspectives such as life through a particular nations or cultures views are far too small and self centered to take in a plan as great and extensive as Christ's mission to redeeem his brothers and sisters in a great all inclusive plan of salvation, for us to consider until our limits are made known to us by degree. Now the word of God may entice the humbled man or woman to re-consider, to ponder and pray, and to begin to exercise faith in believing the word, even if only to hope that the word of God might be true.

Now something called realizing our nothingness before God, our filthiness in comparison to a holy being like Christ and His father God, awakens in us, and we begin to reconsider our foolish pride and imagined superiority. We begin to realize we are beggars reliant on our God for every breath we take.

Anna's posit there may be souls stuck between passages may be possible but not without God's overarching watch, if that could be true. After mortal death all return to the world of spirits, life as individual intelligent spirit being does not end upon mortal death, and our progress in the spirit world depends on the principles by which we have lived here. We may be advantaged in our progress or disadvantaged, according to by what law we lived while mortal on earth. Getting well acquainted with God's word is a precursor to striving to live higher laws and principles, inspired by the Holiness of the purposes and love motivated acts of God."


  1. Insightful expression and priceless response to This Article By "Joel" and Reposted here, AS was originally posted on "Lincoln County Watch" Blog:

    "Joel December 17, 2018 at 7:54 PM

    The Master healer is at the helm, many people (millions upon millions) are walking in darkness without His healing and edifying light, in confusion wherever they go and whatever their influence. These walk in darkness when they are unwilling to "harken to His ("My")word". God the Father and the Son, two individual intelligences are joined inseparably together in purpose, walk in mysterious paths (to us) that seem and are unfathomable, as the spirit world encompasses everything. God is in and through all things, for the Holy Spirit of God, having only Spirit (not a physical body, but a spiritual body) may thus be everywhere and give light to everything so as to give life to the spirit, yet our vision is so dull, our bodily and spiritual senses so naturally inadequate we are unable, unless quickened by the Spirit, to perceive even a part of his glorious creation.

    Look tonight at the order of the stars and galaxies in their infinite variation of light and intensity, extending on forever, and some sense of what I am trying to describe as His domain and creation will come to you.

    We stumble for words limited by dulled sensibility through a coarse body made of earthly clay and similar elements, and driven (craven?) by natural appetites, it is no wonder we fall short of comprehending God and His creations in our dulled condition in comparison to the glorious, living, vibrant spiritual worlds. Our dullness we mistake for our own importance, yet in God's words we are the dust of the earth and "to dust we shall return".

    Sensing our temporal selves with passing years, we wonder what is the spiritual, the matrix of micro and macro energy charged oneness of things, and where our own place is.

    If we persist in seeking to find God, and yield to the enticing of the Spirit while guided by His word, eventually we realize we must exercise faith... and as we practice what is good and true and recognize that which testifies of Him - as do all things - our faith begins to yield a sweet fruit, our perception awakens to begin to perceive faint outlines of the intimate love He has for each of His children and of the grandeur of his greatness and awesomeness, encompassing all things from the infinitesimily tiny to that which is larger than galaxies, all moving together in harmony under God's abiding watch care and direction. Harkening to His Word in faith kindles the flame of the Light of Christ, starting us on our journey home. Walking in faith to apply his Word opens greater vistas with passing time, line upon line, precept upon precept... We begin to see and know our Creator and Redeemer, Father and Son, One."

  2. Yes! Joel, Thank You so Much for this wonderful written contribution shared on Paul's Blog!
    "Persons" = "These walking in Darkness" as the "WORLDLY SYSTEMS" of "DEAD ENTITY" FALSE AUTHORED "WITNESSING" has successfully Dictated OVER our Living,Breathing-Soul-Spirit-in the Flesh "We" the Living "People" Wholly as one Lives. No More!! The Zombie "Apocalypse" Has Ended Now and Christ's Consciousness IS Igniting the Fires Within All Living Souls Now!!! Yes, Yes, Yes!!! Soooo Grateful to Be Living in These Times and to Be Witnessing this Awe-Mazing Sight INDeed!!!

    Much Gratitude, True Awareness, Unconditional Forgiveness, Pure Love, and Eternal Peace-Joy Be Within For All Now


Welcome and Thank You for sharing/expressing your Gifts In Enlightened knowledge, Encouraging and Empowering In Loving Spirit Contribution for All Now!!