Living Souls Now Truth

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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Implications for Police

By Anna Von Reitz

Following my apparently earth-shattering comments yesterday revealing that the police are not functioning as Public Law Officers and that they are in fact organized under Pinkerton Laws that allowed the railroads and the Pony Express to establish private security agencies to protect the mail and the transportation corridors (the US Marshals Service is the only legitimate present-day heir to all that specific legislation) there have been a lot of comments asking:
Have you talked to all the Sheriffs and people involved in "law enforcement" about this?
God knows, I've tried.
We have 3,100 elected County "Sheriffs" in this country, most of whom are good and honest men who respect the lives and property of their constituents. Of course, we also have some real cads who have gotten into office, too, and a fair number of what in the military are called, "flat asses"-- men who think that their job is to sit at a desk and mark time.
The cads don't want to hear what I have to say because its bad for business. The flat asses don't care about much of anything. And the good men usually react in denial of the, "That can't be right!" kind.
But I am right about this, and it is true.
They are all "private security personnel" if they are working for incorporated "States of States" or incorporated "Counties" and most if not all of them are acting under color of law.
Most of them don't even know this.
They think that they are Public Law Officers, just like the people assume they are Public Law Officers. They assume that they are occupying an elected Public Office and working under a Public Bond--- and they are not.
Those elections are all private in-house corporate elections decided by "registered voters" --- corporate franchisees, and there is no public bonding for their "State of State" and "County" offices, either.
Why? Because the "State of Tennessee" is a private corporation and so is the "STATE OF TENNESSEE". And so are all their incorporated "Counties". They all have EINs, CAGE numbers, are registered on Dunn and Bradstreet, identified on, on, and traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
Do we all need baseball bats over the head before the reality of this travesty and lawlessness and ongoing unauthorized plundering of the "Public Trust" sets in?
We have court cases in which the judges (including US Supreme Court Justices) have very flatly told the public that policemen are not obligated to protect their lives or property.
We have the Mack and Prinz v. USA, Inc. Supreme Court case that "allows" private security personnel to enforce the Public Law, including the Constitution, if the individual "Sheriff" feels the whim to do so.
And if he doesn't, well, that's okay, too.
Many of my readers well-remember and my website fully documents letters that I sent to the "County" "Sheriff" in Grant County Oregon and to "County Sheriffs" in general at the time of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge Occupation in an effort to explain exactly these issues --- and to encourage the individuals to exercise their "prerogative" guaranteed by Mack and Prinz v. USA, Inc. to enforce the Public Law and uphold the Constitution.
The information fell on deaf ears. The Constitutional guarantees owed to the Bundys and to the others were trampled.
Instead of securing the life, person, and property of LaVoy Finicum, the "County" Sheriffs conspired with equally private and unauthorized "law enforcement agents" working for the "FBI" [which was and so far as I know, still is, owned and operated by the same private municipal corporation as the "BLM"] to ambush and murder a completely innocent American under color of law.
In the aftermath of that shameful and still-unpunished crime, the "County" Sheriffs involved and the FBI all closed ranks and lied through their teeth about the whole operation, which led to two more years of false arrest and detainment and abuse of the Bundys and their Co-Defendants.
Please bear in mind that the Bundys and those with them would still be in jail and being subjected to torture, solitary confinement, etc., etc., etc., if not for one very courageous and determined Witness against this criminality and corruption.
There was still one American left in the FBI who knew his duty to the Public Law----and owned it.
The plain fact is that none of these men-- these "Sheriffs" and "FBI Agents" have any public office at all, and no authority even based on the Pinkerton Laws, because nothing they are doing has anything to do with the mail service or the railroads.
So far as we are concerned, if we call it for what it is, they are simply armed thugs operating under color of law at the behest of private for-profit foreign corporations and their local franchises.
They have, as I told the "Sheriff" of Grant County, exactly the same authority and status as a floorwalker at Walmart-- except for the fact that these "Sheriffs" and "Agents" are operating under color of law, and the floorwalker is being honest about what he is doing.
If you dig a little deeper into the quagmire of racketeering, injustice, and insanity this has inspired, you will find a great many good men being blackmailed because they have in fact committed gross crimes while unaware of their status -- crimes like the murder of LaVoy Finicum, the attack on Ruby Ridge, the Branch Davidians, and literally millions of lesser offenses, like the seizure of private property --- automobiles and home and land, etc., under false pretenses.
Having once stumbled into the mud, it must seem to them that there is no way out and that they have to continue to lie and do the bidding of the perpetrators of all this corruption.
There are in fact several options made available to them by Mack and Prinz v. USA, Inc. and by the actual Public Law of this country.
They can en masse turn "state's evidence" and report all the crimes to the public and plea for amnesty.
They can individually decide to enforce the Public Law and the guarantees of the Constitution and do their Public Duty--- which includes arresting any federally-connected employee who violates the rights or steals the assets of any American.
And that includes the District Attorneys as well as FBI Agents.
We have a real problem in this country that is caused by malfunctioning and corrupt District Attorneys, who protect corrupt "Sheriffs" and attorneys as employees of the same corporations the D.A.s work for, and who also knowingly or unknowingly misdirect the "Sheriffs" and attorneys.
After all, who was it at Waco, directing the fire bombing of the Branch Davidians and grossly violating their right to life as well as their right to religious freedom? Murdering little children and innocent women in the name of saving them?
Janet Reno, USAG.
If she weren't already dead, there are many of us who would happily give her the thumb's down a second time around.
When enough people wake up and remember who is who and what is what and who works for who around here, it won't take "an act of Congress" to arrest these thugs. The moment they step off of actual federal property they will be in the jaws of the actual Public Law and in the hands of the Living God.


Thank You  All for your continued participation and valuable contributions made to this priceless and vital Cause on Behalf of All Living Souls Now! Your assistance In spreading Awareness through "Sharing" Freely through ALL Social Media Platforms IS how we Will Inspire Truth, Honesty and Integrity moving Forward! Thank You All for your Good-Will & Works Now!

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